Flour Mill Project Will Maintain Fountain Inn’s History While Looking to Future
Nov 03, 2022 01:19PM ● By Owen Kowalewski
As Bryan Beal sees it, Fountain Inn is a beautiful small town with so much to offer. Nobody appreciates and sees the potential in the town more than Beal, founder of B&B Real Estate and the head of the redevelopment of Ellison Flour Mill.
Beal has worked in real estate investment since graduating from Furman University back in 2008. When asked how he got into the project with Flour Mill, he said, “I took a drive and tour through Fountain Inn and just fell absolutely in love with the city.”
The Flour Mill had been out of use for years, and quickly after Beal’s tour, he was under contract with the property.
A lot of small businesses and facilities are moving in to Fountain Inn to play their own part in the town’s growth, but what exactly is the redevelopment of the Flour Mill going to include? The mill has three buildings onsite, which will include several venues with the purpose of giving the community the opportunity to get together.
According to Beal, the current plan is that the main, three-story building is going to be a brewery, while the other two buildings will include a food hall, with a goal of housing five or six tenants, and a community common area. Beal is eager to break ground in the beginning of next year and hopes to see it open by fall of 2023.
Beal said his vision for the redevelopment is “to maintain as much history and historical significance as we can, especially with such an important piece of Fountain Inn as a Flour Mill.” He has high hopes for the potential of the town, and his efforts and excitement bode well for Fountain Inn’s success. “We want to bring something special to Fountain Inn and play our role in making it a destination.”
While Fountain Inn has experienced rapid growth, with no signs of slowing down, Beal emphasizes the patience and time needed to be successful.
“We want to make sure we take our time and do it right so that it represents Fountain Inn correctly,” he said.
The Flour Mill Project will bring more excitement and sense of community to the town, but also provide an opportunity for Fountain Inn to show off its personality.