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Greenville Business Magazine

A Time for One Voice, One People in South Carolina

Jun 08, 2020 11:37AM ● By David Dykes

To all South Carolinians - 
We made history by taking  down the Confederate Flag from the statehouse grounds in July of 2015. It's time for us to take another, long overdue stand. 

As a state, we cannot change what happened to George Floyd and the long list of others before him. But we certainly can - and unequivocally should - change the way we think, act and lead against social injustice and economic inequality going forward.

We've clearly not done enough. As Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. said decades ago: we have failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met.
South Carolina has the opportunity to lead by example again and be a positive force in our communities. 

It's time for the CEO community to lead the discussion. It's time for all business leaders to stand up, speak out and encourage action to advocate opportunity and economic mobility for all.

We should be proud of, and embrace, the racial, gender, age, religious and political diversity that we have. We should seize the moment.

It's time to step up and condemn conditions that impede social justice and progress. Silence and indifference won't work. It's time to turn ambition into action.

We at Greenville Business Magazine, Columbia Business Monthly and Charleston Business Magazine will take the lead - to start and continue the conversation about how we can do better, unite and change the status quo. 

We will seek and welcome opinions through roundtables, focus groups and other discussions and continue the conversations through our publications and websites.

We are South Carolina owned, and want South Carolina to be stronger, more dedicated and more united for the common good.

Said King all those years ago: "With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood...That will be a great day, that will be a great tomorrow." 

Lori Coon
Greenville Business Magazine
Columbia Business Monthly
Charleston Business Magazine