Nearly $25,000 Raised At The 2019 Upstate Run & Roll 5K

The Brain Injury Association of South Carolina (BIASC) raised nearly $25,000 at the Upstate Run & Roll 5K and 1 mile walk on Saturday, March 30. Nearly 250 registrants from across the Upstate, including several out of town guests, participated in the Upstate Run & Roll 5K and contributed critical support to BIASC so that it, in turn, can help persons with brain injuries and their families through prevention, research, education, and advocacy.
“Thank you to all those who came out and participated in this year’s Upstate Run & Roll 5K at Cleveland Park. The support of the Upstate at the run was tremendous,” says Joyce Davis, executive director of BIASC. “With this support, we will be able to continue our mission to help individuals with brain injuries and their family members in the Upstate.”
The Upstate Run & Roll 5K included special guests such as Stacy and Bill Halstead, parents of Tripp Halstead, who passed away from a TBI just last year; and brain injury survivor, Tyrone Johnson.
“The work of the Brain Injury Association of South Carolina is so important, and we were happy to be a part of their efforts,” said Stacy Halstead. At the event, the Halsteads and Tyrone Johnson were honored as those who have personally been affected by brain injury, representing all those present who continue to be impacted.
BIASC’s Food for Thought, a new fundraising event for the Midlands, will be on May 2, 2019 in Columbia S.C. and tickets for that event are now available.