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Greenville Business Magazine

Junior League of Greenville to hold Inaugural Little Black Dress Initiative Nov. 13-17

Nov 08, 2017 03:58PM ● By Emily Stevenson
On November 13-17, the Junior League of Greenville (JLG) will hold its inaugural Little Black Dress Initiative (LBDI), a social media driven fundraising campaign that uses the iconic LBD to raise awareness about the JLG’s mission and those less fortunate in the Greenville community its Members serve. The JLG will host a drop-in to celebrate the campaign and raise awareness, which will be open to the public on Thursday, November 16 from 5:30-7 p.m. at Nose Dive.

During the week-long campaign, more than 30 JLG members will wear the same black dress for five consecutive days to symbolize the effects socio-economic limitations can have on members of the community. Participants are encouraged to raise awareness on social media, and by wearing a button that reads “Ask Me About My Dress.” By wearing the dress, Members will invite dialogue among colleagues, friends and strangers to raise awareness of the JLG and the various ways it works to better the lives of people in the community and raise funds to support the JLG and its community programs.

“As part of the campaign, Members wear the same dress each day for a few reasons,” said Caroline Stewart, Sustainer Representative for the JLG. “First, as a symbol, since many of those served by the JLG’s programs and funds cannot afford new clothing and often have to wear the same items repeatedly. Second, as a conversation starter, to catch people’s attention and give Members the opportunity to share why they wear the dress and choose to support the JLG!”

The Little Black Dress Initiative (LBDI) is a global initiative started by the Junior League of London to raise awareness of the impact of generational poverty. Funds raised during the Junior League of Greenville’s (JLG) LBDI campaign will go directly to the JLG and will help the organization continue to serve its mission locally and address unmet needs in the community.

“Our mission is to improve the community, promote voluntarism and develop the potential of women through the effective action of trained volunteers,” said Courtney Atkinson, President of the JLG. “Our Members are the heart of our organization and work tirelessly for the benefit of the Greenville community. Funds raised through LBDI will help to make our mission possible and grow our community impact.”

Since 1929, the JLG has been making a positive impact in the Greenville community by supporting more than 300 nonprofit agencies, contributing over $2.7 million, helping to start many organizations and providing countless hours of volunteer service to the community. In the past year alone, the JLG has given over $53,000 in grants to the Greenville community, served more than 2,800 kids at the 10th Annual Home Run for Healthy Kids® event, collected over 1,400 items for the homeless, assembled 350 gift bags for cancer patients, and awarded the SC Children’s Theatre a $100,000 developmental grant for a new facility.

The JLG invites anyone interested in learning more about the JLG and LDBI, and celebrating with the LBDI participants to a celebratory drop-in on Thursday, November 16 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Nose Dive in Downtown Greenville (116 S. Main St.).

To learn more about the JLG’s LBDI or to make a donation, please visit